Thursday, January 21, 2010

taking flight

Sometimes you just need to make the leap.

I've usually been the careful type, the sort of person to think, assess, and then act. A methodical process lends itself to many things... I'm good with keeping things highly organized and ordered, my analytical nature often exposes potential weaknesses others might not have uncovered, and I'm good at asking questions.

However, being so analytical can sometimes take the fun out of life. I tend to spend a lot of my time with all sorts of new puzzles and challenges that I barely take enough pause to marvel at those puzzles and challenges I've been able to solve.

Recently, I've been surprising myself with just how easy it's been to just let go of my brain and just go with my instincts. I'm letting my heart speak to me and tell me what it wants, and rather than ask a million questions to have the puzzle solved, I'm letting life remain somewhat a mystery and just enjoying each day as I take it, rather than pulling out the telescope and eyeing up the finish line. I'll always at my core be an analytical person, but I've come to realize that being analytical can't solve everything.

Life's a little more exciting when I'm not trying to figure everything out. And even if the paper plane crashes, it's kind of fun to take flight.

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